Home Semasa Malaysia remains Iran’s best Islamic brother – Deputy Head of Mission

Malaysia remains Iran’s best Islamic brother – Deputy Head of Mission

by Adrian David

KUALA LUMPUR, 19 FEB – Malaysia is, and remains, one of the best old friends and an Islamic brother-country of Iran.

And the long-standing friendship, since Malaya’s Independence from Britain in 1957 and the subsequent formation of Malaysia in 1963, has created wide opportunities for cooperation with Iran.

Iranian embassy deputy head of mission Mohammadredza Baksahraei said that since opening of embassies in Kuala Lumpur and Teheran in 1982, the bilateral trade volume between Iran and Malaysia was about US$850 million in 2022 and had grown by 32 per cent last year.

“Iran is the seventh trading partner of Malaysia in the Middle East.

“The leaders of both countries are determined to further develop our bilateral relations, for our mutual benefit.

“Already, Malaysia’s Agriculture and Food Security Minister Datuk Seri Mohammad Sabu is visiting Teheran on an official capacity.

“We are also hosting the Iranian Film Festival on Feb 29-March 10 in Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and Penang.

“I will also like to appreciate sincerely the esteemed Malaysian people and government for their strong support and help for the people of Palestine and Gaza.

“I pray for peace, security and prosperity for the people of Iran, Malaysia and all over the world,” said Mohammadredza at a reception for the ‘45th anniversary of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Day’ at the Royale Chulan Hotel in Jalan Conlay.

Guest-of-honour was Health Minister Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad.

Looking back, Mohammadredza reflected on Iran’s historical period.

“Iran is home to one of the world’s oldest civilisations, beginning with the formation of the Elamite kingdoms in the 4th millennium BC.

“Recent archaeological studies indicate that as early as 10,000 BC of Iranian ancestors who lived in the present Iranian territory.

“Iran is located in a strategic point in the Asian continent.

“It is a founding member of some regional and international organisations including the United Nations, the International Atomic Energy Agency, the Economic Cooperation Organisation, the Organisation of Islamic Conference, Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries, Non-Aligned Movement, the Group of 20 (G20) and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.

“More recently, Iran is a member of BRICS (originally Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa; and now includes Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran and the United Arab Emirates),” said Mohammadredza.

He added that Iran had the second largest natural gas supply and the third-largest oil reserves in the world.

On the Islamic Revolution, Mohammadredza said that the took place during the bipolar system, that divided the world between two super-powers.

“By adopting the policy of ‘neither east nor west’ and political independence from both, the Islamic Revolution in Iran initiated a new model of independent foreign policy and non-dependence on the world power blocs.

“Since then, our foreign policy has been on expanding our relations with all countries, with the priority of ‘Looking East’, being Asia-centric and adopting a neighbour-centric policy.

“We undertook such measures because we believe the security, stability, peace and prosperity of our neighbouring countries are the same as our own.

“This is possible only through comprehensive cooperation with our neighbours,” Mohammadredza said.

On Iran’s development of nuclear energy, Mohammadredza said that it was often related with nuclear arsenals, weapons, atomic bombs and missiles that had left behind many tragedies.

“Nuclear energy has many benefits for humankind, especially in the field of electricity, energy, scientific, technical and engineering services and even medicine and agriculture.

“The use of nuclear energy is a universal right for all human beings.

“Iran, too, like other countries in the world has the right to enjoy such benefits.

“Iran’s nuclear programme has always been, and will be, for peaceful purposes as our country is a long-standing member of IAEA,” said Mohammadredza.

He reiterated that Iran had signed the IAEA’s charter from the very beginning and continuously renewed its signature and has even accepted and signed the Additional Protocol.

“In fact, one of the Iranian ambassadors in the past was the  IAEA secratery-general and my country is well aware of all its international rights and commitments.

“We, therefore, will rightfully continue our nuclear cooperation with IAEA, as we have proven that our nuclear activities are peaceful.

“More than 15 reports of IAEA have confirmed that Iran’s nuclear programme have not deviated,” Mohammadredza said.

On human rights issues, Mohammadredza said that Iran had given the matter a very high place in its society.

He recalled how Iranians were the first nation in the world who had adopted the first charter of human rights more than 2,500 years ago.

“Based on its religious teachings and civilisational values, Iran has always considered a high position for women’s rights and preserving their human dignity.

“The first female commanders in the world’s maritime armies were introduced to the human society by Iranian people more than 2,500 years ago.

“Iranian women are also well known internationally in scientific fields.

“For example, in the field of inventions last year, the share of Iranian women increased from 16 per cent to 21 per cent, which is much higher than the world average of 14 per cent.

“Currently, 60 per cent of university students, 35 per cent of engineers of industrial factories, 40 per cent of academic staff of medical universities and 60 per cent of teachers in Iran are women,” Mohammadredza said. – airtimes.my

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