Home Pertahanan dan Keselamatan Special intelligence required to safeguard sovereignty

Special intelligence required to safeguard sovereignty

by Air Times Correspondent

MENTAKAB, 8 NOV – There is an atmosphere of uncertainty and stability, brought about by the diversity of dimensions through the regional and internatinal geo-strategic landscape.

Royal Intelligence Corps chairman Lieutenant-General Datuk Ahmad Norihan Jalal said that the regional and international security issues always had the potential to impact national defense and sovereignty, either through traditional or non-traditional threats.

“As a result, the Malaysian Armed Forces, as the fotress of national defence, should be placed at a high level of readiness to face any possibility at all times.

“The situation has indirectly increased the need for special intelligence to support the Armed Forces in planning every effort to uphold the integrity and sovereignty of the country,” said Norihan, who is also the Malaysian Defence Intelligence Organisation director-general.

Norihan added that as one of the major intelligence organisations in the Armed Forces and the country, the trust and responsibility rested with the Royal Intelligence Corps and the Malaysian Defence Intelligence Organisation.

“This responsibility and trust need to be executed with full commitment as failure is never acceptable.

“The corps will continue to strive to increase its capabilities and development to create a versatile and sustainable organisation.

“With the full support and confidence by the government and the encouragement of the Armed Forces’ leaders, I am confident that the purpose of the organisation will continue to be relevant for the sovereignty of the country,” he said this at the corps’ 54th anniversary at the Armed Forces Intelligence College in Mentakab, Pahang.

Present were Defence Intelligence deputy director-general Major-General Datuk Razali Alias, Royal Intelligence Corps director Brigadier-General Mohd Raslam Dollah, former Defence Intelligence director-general Lieutenant-General (Rtd) Datuk Seri Azzuddin Ahmad and Malaysian Intelligence Veterans Club president Major-General (Rtd) Datuk Hamzah Ali.

Norihan called on corps members to be strongly united and possess a high espirit de corps and moral, to preserve the trust placed on them.

“You must also be professional, superiorly skilled and display them at a respectable level.

“Inculcating and enhancing espirit de corps should take place at every level, as envisaged by our leaders.

“The spirit of togetherness is important to achieve out goals outlined, regardless of the obstacles we meet.

“This will ensure an effective information delivery system at each layer among officers and other ranks,” said Norihan.

Royal Intelligence Corps chairman Lieutenant-General Datuk Ahmad Norihan Jalal, who is also the Malaysian Defence Intelligence Organisation director-general, inspecting the parade at the corps’ 54th anniversary at the Armed Forces Intelligence College in Mentakab, Pahang.

He opined that matters involving general administration and quartery could be improved from time to time, concerning career planning, courses, new manuals and training management.

This, he figured, could help plan the employment restructuring implementation to strengthen the personnel’s profile.

“Regimental activities should continue in accordance with the current policy and instructions issued by the national security and services council.

“Not forgetting, are the services rendered by the corps’ pensioners, which are very significant to continue our excellence.

“The experience and knowledge of these retirees should be recognised as a guide in managing the complex intelligence tasks ahead.

“We ought to interact and establish cordial relationships with the newly formed Malaysian Veterans Intelligence Club, in efforts to ensure the welfare of their families are not neglected,” said Norihan.

He added that the retirees were always ready to share their experiences with the public and improve the corps’ image and credibility.

“We must remember and acknowledge the dedicated contributions from those who had served before our time.

“This way, we can promote a sense of belonging and solidarity among us,” Norihan said.

To further strengthen the club’s platform, the Malaysian Royal Intelligence Club Foundation was established on Sept 3 this year.

On the excellence awards recipients, Norihan hoped they it would spur them to continue excel in their tasks and be role models for others.

He urged all ranks to acquire additional capabilities and soft skills to further advance themselves in service and later as retirees.

“Among the soft skills to master are languages, communication, creativity and innovation in latest technologies.

“We must also be sensitive and prepared to accept changes and new regimental requirements, be fully committed and loyal to the leadership.

“Irrespective of who the leader is, we must continue with the established requirements and improve according to the challenges and needs of the global intelligence,” said Norihan. – airtimes.my

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